CEAL Statistics Data [Quick view]

Data from Institutions in Pacific, Year 2017

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Statistical Data on East Asian Institutions as of June 30, 2017
Institution Grand Total Materials Held CHN JPN KOR Total Added E-Book Total Vol. Total Serial Titles Other Materials Held (*1) Personnel Support
California, Berkeley 4,539,682 599,939 422,946 124,064 1,171,107 31,503 3,272,911 4,444,018 2,435 95,664 20.20
California, Irvine 148,527 72,954 29,745 14,561 117,260 1,364 26,592 143,852 125 4,675 3.33
California, Los Angeles 880,102 357,790 206,376 67,500 687,803 0 69,900 757,703 1,714 122,399 11.00
California, Riverside 98,513 49,820 6,197 2,754 75,838 614 19,809 95,647 215 2,866 0.75
California, San Diego 533,658 75,177 71,682 9,057 212,938 5,004 111,639 324,577 311 209,081 7.43
California, Santa Barbara 240,307 117,073 57,708 2,238 179,059 1,865 57,125 236,184 1,735 4,123 2.70
Claremont Colleges Library 49,194 30,647 12,191 1,178 47,918 1,179 496 48,414 152 780 2.10
Hawaii 431,078 172,297 142,669 78,554 393,520 4,366 6,420 399,940 40 31,138 18.10
Oregon 100,774 51,795 43,904 2,908 98,607 1,892 0 98,607 167 2,167 3.75
Southern California 251,903 75,375 73,103 89,507 237,985 8,610 0 237,985 0 13,918 9.50
Stanford 1,631,328 448,371 251,322 73,986 860,342 21,924 726,078 1,586,420 2,578 44,908 19.80
Washington 772,603 313,652 165,784 139,899 660,300 11,203 57,501 717,801 932 54,802 15.30
Number of Institutions: 12 9,677,669 2,365,620 1,483,673 613,636 4,742,677 89,524 4,348,471 9,091,148 10,404 586,521 113.96

Note: Grand Total Materials is calculated with E-Books being counted as volumes.