CEAL Statistics Data [Quick view]

Data from Institutions in Mountain, Year 2018

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Statistical Data on East Asian Institutions as of June 30, 2018
Institution Grand Total Materials Held CHN JPN KOR Total Added Serial Titles Other Materials Held (*1) Personnel Support
Arizona State 150,105 83,779 25,876 4,272 149,885 7,699 0 220 4.00
Brigham Young University, Harold B. Lee Library 90,375 62,391 16,706 10,216 89,313 611 116 1,062 3.25
Colorado, Boulder 113,153 74,666 26,601 1,695 113,153 3,537 724 0 4.00
Number of Institutions: 3 353,633 220,836 69,183 16,183 352,351 11,847 840 1,282 11.25

Note: Grand Total Materials is calculated with E-Books being counted as volumes.