CEAL Statistics Data [Quick view]

Data from Institutions in Pacific, Year 2018

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Statistical Data on East Asian Institutions as of June 30, 2018
Institution Grand Total Materials Held CHN JPN KOR Total Added Serial Titles Other Materials Held (*1) Personnel Support
California, Berkeley 1,287,055 610,139 430,333 125,905 1,191,002 19,897 2,508 96,053 19.80
California, Irvine 123,205 73,824 30,244 14,825 118,893 1,633 107 4,312 3.33
California, Los Angeles 834,255 373,082 212,105 71,277 712,601 24,798 1,735 121,654 11.00
California, Riverside 79,582 50,238 6,287 2,862 76,685 847 215 2,897 0.75
California, San Diego 258,105 77,154 72,603 10,234 217,510 4,572 637 40,595 4.13
Claremont Colleges Library 51,278 31,296 12,395 1,179 49,065 1,147 149 2,213 1.75
Hawaii 428,424 173,664 143,188 79,051 395,903 2,923 55 32,521 19.40
Southern California 258,370 77,172 75,156 91,966 244,294 6,309 0 14,076 9.75
Stanford 928,570 459,824 257,253 78,406 883,313 22,971 2,496 45,257 19.80
Washington 724,413 317,496 167,126 143,561 669,509 9,390 12,885 54,904 16.25
Number of Institutions: 10 4,973,257 2,244,047 1,407,042 620,202 4,558,775 94,487 20,787 414,482 105.96

Note: Grand Total Materials is calculated with E-Books being counted as volumes.